Discuss the finer things in life at the FunBo's House of Style Discussion Boards. CLICK BELOW for your word to be heard!

FunBo Appreciation Week
Church Ball
Basketball Jones
Salmon Award
Babe Battle 11
WOTS Returns!
Thursday Night Out
Survivor 2
Afro News
Mall Fun
Triple-O Saturday
Warren's Cool Thing Of The Week
In Other News

FUNBO APPRECIATION WEEK: Well, I must say, I have failed at many things in life, but never has something blown up in my face like this has. FunBo Appreciation Week was the biggest flop since the WNBA. Only two people sent in their favorite memories or stories about me so I will choose to focus on that positive. Keep in mind that tears are just pouring down my face as I type this. Here are the two memories:

"I don't know if it was April Fool;s, but I do remember fondly the time when Jeff and Bobby waited till Adam Mcleod was down to his ginch before pushing him out of the changeroom in front of all the grade 2's who were filing past for an assembly. Let us all remember the man who is good with cash." -Parker Mah

"My favorite memory was in geography class when he did our silent protest by taking off our shoes and also when a few of us decided to hum in class to see how long it took the teacher to find out we were humming" -Warren Mills

Parker and Warren, you make the pain of my botched attempt at celebrating myself easier to deal with.

TO EVERYONE IN BURNABY: For anyone who is in Burnaby, I have the announcement of all announcements. From this week on, every wednesday, everyone is invited to play some basketball at Willingdon Church. I'm trying to set this up as a weekly thing where we can go each wednesday at 8:45. Last week, I went with Jory and Chris and we played past 11:00 pm. It was great. Since it was just three of us, we just played some regular 21 and American 21, then we shot around for a bit. We practiced some plays for no reason and then topped off the night with a three point competition. Each player had 60 seconds to get as many threes as they could. It was hard cuz we only used one ball and had one guy rebound and another timing the 60 seconds. Chris and I advanced to the final round with 5 and 4 threes, respectively. Then came the final round. I hit my last two shots to get 6 threes and I was feeling fairly comfortable to at least force another round. Chris' turn comes along and he hits 6 of his first 7 and 10 of 15 in total and wins.

Anyways, the important thing is that it was tons of fun. So I'm asking everyone in Burnaby who likes to play some ball or just come out for the excercise, every wednesday 8:45 pm at Willingdon Church. I already got a few people, so just email me at starberry3@home.com (or call me since most of you have my number) if you got any more questions

GHETTO BALL:Ghetto ball reached historic levels on monday. Stephen, Jeff and I hit the mean streets of the ghetto to play some ball and we taped the action. For a while, we just did some dunks and alley-oops and then Jeff and I played some one-on-one. The first game was a game of streaks. I was out in front early 5-2 and then Jeff riddled off 9 straight points to shut me up and win 11-5. I swore revenge and he accepted my challenge at a rematch. In the second game, I had the fire of Jordan in my eyes and I just couldn't miss (except for the two times that I did miss). I won the rematch 11-2 and made Jeff question why he accepts my rematch challenges after he beats me once. I'll answer you Jeff: it's because you are a good sportsman and you know that no series is a best of one...I look forward to a third and deciding game to settle the score.


I wanna thank Stephen for finding time in his busy schedule not only to tape me and Jeff playing but for making the sweet movie clip for the newsletter. I totally appreciate all of this, man. Thank you very much!

SALMON AWARD: This week's winner of the Salmon Award is Mike Gamache. Mike is now "President of the Cynical World". This is probably a surprise to Mike since he didn't know he was in the running...surprise!

BABE BATTLE 11: Last week, we had the closest vote since Megan vs. Ariel. Catherine Zeta-Jones squeezed by Penelope Cruz 9 votes to 7. This week, we have a battle of SI Swimsuit Issue models: Heidi Klum vs. Tyra Banks. CLICK HERE TO VOTE ON THIS WEEK'S BATTLE.

WORD ON THE STREET IS BACK!!! : After a long hiatus, I have broke out of writer's block and Word On The Street returns. I have begun a new comic called "Furious George". Hope you like it. This isn't the most tasteful of comics. Consider yourself warned. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS WEEK'S COMIC.

PING-PONG: In the week of comebacks, my dad decided to step to the plate and mount his comeback and challenge me to a game of ping-pong. We decided on a best-of-three series. I won the first game handily, 21-7. Apparently, I was blinded by my ego and taunting in game two because I fell behind 15-2 and lost the game 21-19. Order was restored when I decided to focus in game three and I beat my dad 21-12. The crown continues to remain where it belongs...on my head.

THURSDAY NIGHT OUT: Jory and I went out thursday night despite the fact that I was extremely tired and Jory's knee was basically non-functional. At first, we were just gonna go to Red Robin's cuz we were both hungry. After that though, we stopped off at Maverick's for a bit. It was incredibly packed because SFU athletics people were there for their banquet (pretty classy if you ask me...haha). Anyways, it was cool cuz Becky and Brooke were down with some of their yankee school buds and I saw them for a bit which was good times. Quite a few Centralites were there to, but in general, it wasn't an amazing night or anything. Jory and I pretty much blew the spot after an hour cuz we both wanted to hit the sack.

SURVIVOR 2: Survivor got a lot less annoying (and possibly less entertaining) when uber-pest Jerri got the boot. I actually got excited when I saw the clinching vote to get her off the show. I was scared cuz I thought Elisabeth was gone and she's gorgeous. I knew CBS was smarter than that and wouldn't let their star leave. Aside from that, Jerri and Colby won the reward challenge. It was basically a two-person obstacle course and they beat out Amber and Keith. Their reward was some romantic getaway to an island set up with all the food they could want, a couple of underwater cameras and other goodies. Jerri said it was like a honeymoon without the sex. It was great to see how ignorant she is to everyone's dislike for her. The immunity challenge was a tug-of-war on crate-tops floating in the water. In the final round, Nick beat out Colby for immunity. Very important cuz if they were gonna pick off Kuchans, Nick would've been out cuz he was the strongest remaining member. That immunity really saved him and took Jerri out.

AFRO NEWS: The afro was in full effect this week. I sported a nice, semi-coiffed fro to the ghetto for our video session. On wednesday, my afro was just full-on blazing. I knew my fro had to look it's best for my return to the mecca of my high school basketball days...Willingdon Church.

In other hair news, I am thinking about getting the twists put in my hair again for next wednesday's basketball game. If not, it might be poppin' off for the weekend (think saturday). It will definitely be in effect to help ring in the April long weekend.

MALL FUN: Friday I made my usual trip to the mall. A strange thing happened though. I kept seeing people I know come by. First, I saw Andrew Sabarre while I was in Off The Wall with Georgina. Then we all went upstairs to the gourmet slurpee place and then we seperated from Andrew and then saw him again at Planet Superstar. Upon further inspection, I saw Darren Fong there. No sooner than I was able to say "What is this, a Central class of 99 reunion?" did Jory come in to Superstar. So there we were, 5 people (including me) from my grad class all randomly in a store. Pretty odd. On a downside though, I completely forgot that I went to the mall to look for sweat pants and didn't realize til I got home. Doh!

TRIPLE-O SATURDAY: Saturday was another reuniting of the Evil crew. Jay and Graham came over to my place with many treats. Graham brought over his old school Sega Genesis with NBA Jam, one of the greatest video games ever. Jay brought some tasty treats on a beat cd he made with some classic samples. He also made some nice renovations to the new and improved Evil Entertainment record company page (on a sidenote, watch out for us because we are on the rise). After that, we commenced the Segathon. After easily winning my first two games, Graham decided to play me in a winner takes all match. I was San Antonio and he was Houston and I demolished him. Being Graham, he decides to lose it and demand a rematch. I use Golden State and he takes New York and once again, I win. Just then, Tyler comes over and joins the mix. I don't want to play anymore but Graham insists on another match. So against my own will, I play. I use New Jersey and he uses Miami. The teams change, but the result remains the same: I win. After that, Graham goes into a rant about everything he sucks at. I call him out on Ping-Pong and he embarasses me by winning. After that, he beats Tyler and I come back for a second shot. This time, I'm all about the game, no jokes. I take off my watch and race out to the 16-4 lead. He makes it interesting but I focus and win 21-14. After that, I play Tyler but with the score 12-8 for me, I lost the ball after hitting a beautiful smash. The rest of the night was spent with Jay and I watching SNL while Graham looked at cars, then lots of porn before going to www.candystand.com to play a whole bunch of online games like mini golf, roll ball and 90's TV Trivia. At around 1:30 am, everyone bolted. It was definitely good times. (On a sidenote, the time just changed really quick. One second it was 1:59 and now it is 3 am. Damn time change freaked me out).

WARREN'S COOL THING OF THE WEEK: Warren's cool thing for this week is the ever cool dancing guy. Apparently his name is Joe Smooth. Look at those moves. Damn.


If anyone here is interested in being in a baseball pool, join Jory's baseball pool. The season just started sunday so it's not that late. Email me for more info...Speaking of Jory, he saw Jessica Alba on a beautiful day outside downtown. Apparently, she commented on his car. Lucky guy...The message boards have been kinda dead lately, so I encourage people to bring them back to life. Keep in mind that the dates shown for the last comment and the person who made the last comment don't work well so you have to check on your own to see if anyone has replied to a message thread...Chris Hodgson called me the other day and he is basically finished with pilot school. He now has the choice between flying here for FedEx or in London for Quantus Air. Also, he wants me to pass on that if anyone wants to go up for a ride in the air sometime, he's game. Giddy up!


Below is the list of past issues along with some of the highlights:

Issue 16: Persian New Years, Mom's Birthday, RoadRash/Knockout Kings 2001
Issue 15: Mike's Birthday, Weekend In Vic, Jordan XVI's
Issue 14: C-Walk, Z Prizes, Rakim
Issue 13: Tyler's Birthday, Wingman Theory, Z Contest
Issue 12: Graham's Birthday, Chip Shots, Moscrop Basketball
Issue 11: Valentine's Day, The Quiet Game, Candy In The Mail
Issue 10: Quiet on The Set, NBA All-Star Game
Issue 9: Paper Crown, Dream Car, Resolution Contest Winner
Issue 8: Superbowl, Survivor 2, NHL 2001
Issue 7: My Birthday, Word On The Street returns
Issue 6: Baby girl conspiracy, pancake murders, velour pants
Issue 5: New Year's Party and Pics, Thai Food, What A Girl Wants
Issue 4: Christmas weekend, wild coyote fun, Hans
Issue 3: Sugar house vandalized, pics from the zoo, party at the "Dub"
Issue 2: O-Face, Sugarcube house complete, homemade "Priceless" ad
Issue 1: Vigilante Pandas, ping-pong champ

Thank you to all who have joined the fan club so far. If there is anything you think would make this fan club better, pleae email me at the address below. FunBo's House Of Style is all about the fans...
