An album on the way
The champ returns
Vigilante pandas say lights out
Sugar cube candyhouse almost finished
And more...

AN ALBUM ON THE WAY: Finally, it's gonna happen. Expanding on merely songwriting, I am now working to release an album by summer-early fall 2001. Currently, I'm in the process of laying down the theme of the album and beginning to write songs for the album.

THE CHAMP RETURNS: After a brief hiatus, I have made a triumphant return to the Ping-Pong table. Playing his father, a man who used to routinely embarrass me, I returned to the halls of greatness winning his first nine matches. I currently await any and all who step to the throne.

VIGILANTE PANDAS SAY LIGHTS OUT: As I was beginning to work on this newsletter, the power went out two times. The weather was not windy and there was no real reason for it. My only assumption is that the vigilante pandas who have been after me for weeks now are resorting to scare tactics.

PARTYTIME: Saturday nigh, Nicole and Sarah celebrated their 19th birthdays. If you haven't already, go wish them a happy birthday. I'm sure everyone had fun, especially seeing how I graced them the honor of my presence. As soon as I set foot in the place, the masses were electrified. Graham also developped a habit for saying "Stop it!". Good job, tiger!

SUGAR CUBE CANDYHOUSE ALMOST FINISHED: Sunday I began my long journey of breaking down the traditional gingerbread house of the Christmas season. In it's place, I am building a candy house with sugar cubes for walls. After about three hours, I came up with a beautiful castle-like structure with windows and a door...and lots of candy. Next weeks newsletter will include pictures of the house.

RANDOM NOTES: Speaking of pictures, many people have been requesting that I develop the all-powerful roll of film which includes, as mentioned earlier, the sugar cube candyhouse, as well as the new priceless ad and much more. Look for that next week...

Also, just in case you were wondering, Darcy was the first person to recognize my star power and become a member of the club. He was appointed president of the North American chapter of FunBo's House Of Style. Go Darcy!

Thank you to all who have joined the fan club so far. If there is anything you think would make this fan club better, pleae email me at the address below. FunBo's House Of Style is all about the fans...
